About Us
I started the idea of clothes-it because of my love to shopping. when i first move to the US this love started to be a problem for me. there was sales every where and i could find what ever i wanted so easy. slowely i understood that almost all my selery goes on clothes (and shoes'and bags..) and i dont have money for other things like traveling and hanging out with friends. so one day i just stop shopping completley because this is what everyone told me-"just stop shop, you have enough clothes. but they didnt understand is that the shopping is not just about the clothes, its about the exprience! i like to go from one store to another and see whats new. so my shopping fassting didnt last i just started to shop again. and then i thought- why to stop something that i love if i can find a way to do it smarter? my friendtold me about new diet she tried. this one last for here for a year because the other diets told her to not eat things she liked so much. this one say that you can eat whatever you want but in a smart way. and in this moment i thought why not to do the same thing' just with shopping? and this is how clothes it born. so you can do shopping girl! just do it smart, save your money and your after-shopping-gulty. hope you will enjoy it.
p.s.- we are here to help. every question please feel free to ask us by the contact section.